Beach Boys legend Brian Wilson FINALLY gets his music grade changed from F to A

17 January 2018, 10:04

The Beach Boys

You'd think that Brian Wilson would have done pretty well in music class, what with him being a music genius and all.

But amazingly, Brian was given an F by teacher Fred Morgan while he was a student at Hawthorne High School in California for a composition that would go on to be the Beach Boys' debut single, ‘Surfin”.

Years later, Morgan said: “Brian wrote a composition for me and it turned out to be ‘Surfin”. That composition got an F, but it made a million dollars.”

Thankfully this has all changed now. Dr Vanessa Landesfeind, the current principal at Wilson’s old school, has upgraded his mark, and invited him to the campus to make it official.

A photo of Wilson holding a document declaring the change next to the teacher was posted on his Twitter page:

About time, too.

Listen to 'Surfin'' below: