8 quick and easy ways to entertain young kids indoors for hours
20 March 2020, 16:54
We bring you a round-up of the best indoor activities to entertain children aged 3 and upwards - and help you keep your sanity during the coronavirus lockdown.
Now that the schools and nurseries have closed and we are all spending more time under the same roof, it's time to start keeping those kids occupied so you can carry on with your day as normally as possible.
Following on from our must-have guide to staying calm and relaxed when self-isolating or working from home below we bring you the best way to entertain your young children at home.
Click here for the latest coronavirus advice from the NHS
From building lego masterpieces to online kids yoga, there is something for every young child aged 3 upwards - be inspired!
Draw their own cartoon
Challenge the kids to draw, paint and write their very own comic books taking inspiration from cartoon characters or fictional favourites.
Say you'll have a show and tell session at the end of the day - the more elaborate and long the cartoon is, the better!
Card games for all ages
There are a variety of card games suitable for youngsters and all you need is a basic deck of cards. See below for our top four favourites and links on how to play them.
Card games can keep kids entertained for hours. Picture: Getty Snap (suitable for ages 3+)
Go Fish (suitable for ages 4+)
Old Maid (suitable for ages 4+)
Spoons (suitable for ages 4+) just remember to wipe down the spoons before and after!
Build a fort
Broom handles, clothes racks or even rolled up newspapers are the framework basis for a great fort.
Most kids can't resist the allure of building a den! Picture: Getty Commandeer pillows, sheets and blankets to encourage the kids to build their own den, and once they've finished buy yourself time by asking them to write a story about their fort, who lives in it and their dastardly antics!
Kids online yoga
Cosmic Kids online yoga sessions promises to help your kids become "stronger, calmer and wiser" - what's not to love?
Squish the Fish | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!
Accompanies with characters including Arnold the Ant, Squish the Fish and Betsy the Banana, instructors take children through mindful and fun stretches and yoga poses - perfect for calming active minds!
End of the week art show
An excuse to get your kids' creative juices flowing. Picture: Getty Set aside a time everyday for quiet painting or drawing time and encourage the kids by promising a weekly art show for them to show off their works.
Dig out the lego
Lego - the old faithful for getting kids to play independently, no matter what.
Great for both a few minutes and longer distraction techniques ("Why not build your own town") - and fun for mum and dad to join in if they need a break from work!
Pasta jewellery
Put down some sheets of newspaper, give them long bits of string and a bag of pasta and let them get creative.
Pasta jewellery is the perfect pastime for whiling away the hours. Picture: Getty For even more hours of occupation add cuddly toys to the mix and ask them to fashion jewellery for each of them - the more toys the better!
Encourage quiet time
You cannot be expected to entertain them every moment of the day, so quiet times are a must for both you and the kids to relax.
Set up an audiobook session and encourage them to lie down and close their eyes, or put them in front of a movie with a few handfuls of popcorn and turn down the lights for a true cinema experience.